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Undergraduate Technical
Paper Competition

For any questions, please contact When the paper is complete, please submit below using the following button:

General Information

  • The paper will be due a few weeks before the conference in order to allow judges ample time to read through the paper submissions before the oral presentations.

  • ​Paper submissions has been extended to Friday, January 26th @ 11:59 PM.  Submit your paper by emailing a PDF version to: The paper competition presentations will occur on Saturday, February 10th @ 10:00 AM.

  • ​Prizes will be awarded to first, second, and third place in the amounts of $500, $300, and $200, respectively.

  • Each school may submit up to two papers for the competition.

  • A brief overview of the rules can be found below, but the comprehensive list can be found HERE

  • Please ensure you have read and understand these rules before submitting your paper, as failure to do so may result in disqualification from the competition.





  • Students must be an undergraduate student when the nominated paper is written.

  • Paper can be projects done for a company as part of a capstone project, internship, or other activity. They may be undergraduate research projects done at the home institution.

  • A faculty member may be an advisor on a project, but the students should primarily do the work.

  • A faculty member cannot be a co-author of the paper.

  • Only IISE members are eligible to participate.​

  • Each participating university, including the host institution, may submit up to two papers as entries.​​




  • Multi-authored papers are permitted, provided the names of all authors are on the report. 

  • The participating school's faculty advisor, or department head, must certify that the paper is an undergraduate work and that the student is a member of IISE. 

  • Fill out this Verification form and email it as a PDF to to certify your paper.

  • Only the first-place winner (one paper) will represent a region in the IISE Annual Conference & Expo competition.​

  • If the first-place winner cannot present at the finals, the second place winner will represent the region at the finals.​




  • Judging is based on 75 percent written presentation and 25 percent oral presentation. Each presenter must be allowed an equal amount of time, not to exceed 15 minutes plus three minutes for a question-and-answer period. Questions can come only from students and judges outside the presenter’s chapter. 

  • Judging Criteria:

    • Depth, significance, and originality of subject matter

    • The excellence of written presentation

    • The excellence of oral presentation


  • Fill out this Verification form and email it as a PDF to to certify your paper:

  • Only the first-place winner (one paper) will represent a region in the IISE Annual Conference & Expo competition.​

  • If the first-place winner cannot present at the finals, the second place winner will represent the region at the finals.​


Paper Formatting and Layout

  • 8½-inch x 11-inch paper.

  • The paper should not exceed 20 pages, including appendices.

  • Font should be Times New Roman, point size 11.

  • Margins of 1 inch (2.5 cm) all around.

  • Single spacing.

  • Full text justification.

  • The following information should be placed at the top of the first page:

    • Paper title: 16 point Times New Roman bold and centered.

    • Author(s) listing: 12 point Times New Roman bold, centered and include names, university, city, state, zip code and country.​​​​​


  • Text should be organized into sections and subsections, with an introduction and a conclusions section being advisable. A single line should separate paragraphs; no indentation should be used. Font guidelines are as follows:

    • Section headings: numbered, 12 point, bold, upper and lower case, left-justified and leave one blank line above only.

    • Section sub-headings: numbered, 11 point, bold, upper and lower case, left-justified and leave one blank line above only.

    • Regular text: 11 point Times New Roman, full justified and a single line between paragraphs.

    • Sub-bullets must be indented.

    • Tables and figures when included in the main text need to be as close to the point of their introduction as possible. It is noted that figure and table numbering should be independent. 

    • Figure captions: 10 point Times New Roman, centered and place below the figure, leave one blank line above and below.

    • Table caption: 10 point Times New Roman, centered and place above the table, leave one blank line above only.​

    • Equations should be centered and numbered, with the number in parentheses, positioned flush to the right margin. Preferably, they should be prepared with an equation writer.



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